Classes at Sampson Community College officially began August 17. However, SCC hosted an event to extend registration for students who were unable to register during regular registration. This allowed the College to increase enrollment, but also allowed students to enroll at this one-stop registration event.
The college worked diligently to prepare for a safe and efficient late registration process and was certain to provide enough space to avoid overcrowding, and to maintain proper protocols and social distancing to ensure the safety of faculty, staff, students, and visitors. Safety measures included requiring face coverings for all who attended the late registration event and limiting capacity for buildings.
“Over the summer, Student Services utilized new platforms and workflows to serve students. Surprisingly, the COVID inspired workflow allowed students to have more individualized attention throughout the registration process. Students were very complimentary of the process. The college will definitely consider continuing a similar format post-COVID,” said Dean of Student Services Blair Hairr.
At the start of late registration, Sampson Community had 1,422 enrolled for fall courses. When registration ended last Thursday, the College has achieved its goal and enrolled 1,568 students. The College anticipates numbers to change with Basic Law Enforcement Training beginning next week and the Fall Mini-Mester course enrollment registration opening in September.
“This fall, we celebrate the numbers of students who have chosen SCC to be a part of their education plans. We believe that SCC provides a growing online presence as well as a safe campus for students, faculty, and staff. For students and families that may be considering other educational plans for this academic year, I would encourage them to fully consider the advantages of attending SCC. We’re a great place to begin an educational journey and are committed to helping each student achieve their educational and career goals,” stated Dr. Bill Starling, President of Sampson Community College.

About Sampson Community College: Sampson Community College is a member of the North Carolina Community College System, located in Clinton, NC in Sampson County. The college offers many programs to include two-year degrees, college transfer, continuing education and workforce development options, and early college education.